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Trust - Daniele Luchetti

Fri 29. 11. | 18:30
Original title
Directed by
Daniele Luchetti
Elio Germano, Vittoria Puccini, Isabella Ferrari, Federica Rosellini, Pilar Fogliati, Elena Arvigo, Giordano De Plano, Elena Bouryka, Bruno Orlando, Roberto Latini, Luca Gallone, Sofia Luchetti
Film run
136 min.
Italian with subtitles (ENG, CZ)
World sales
Vision Distribution

Can a secret threaten you to the point of deciding to live as an honest man? Based on the novel by Domenico Starnone, Trust is a thriller of the soul about how love and fear can affect our lives forever.

Film based on the book by Domenico Starnone